Love Your Body U (LYBU) is an online learning community designed for college students that aims to educate and cultivate a healthy body image, as well as provide mentoring and support for those struggling with eating disorders, disordered eating, body dissatisfaction, and low self-esteem.

LYBU strives to assist students in revolutionizing the way they relate to their bodies. Through a holistic approach centered upon building a strong mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual foundation, LYBU empowers students to make peace with themselves, and their bodies, so they can go forward into the world doing what they feel called to do.


LYBU serves as an educational and support platform in the areas of prevention, community, and mentoring, not clinical treatment. Students seeking clinical care will be immediately directed to their campus resources, including the Counseling Center and Health Services. Students will be asked to take the My Body Screening; a free and confidential resource provided by the National Eating Disorder Association to help determine if it’s time to seek professional help.

LYBU is designed to support college mental health and health promotion initiatives by offering a programming solution online, meeting students where they are at.


Students who enroll in LYBU can expect to experience the following each week:

  • Topics that educate, inspire, and empower a new way of thinking around the ideals of beauty, body, health, weight, exercise, and success, as well as addresses emotional intelligence.
  • Topics will be shared in both a blog and video format, and will serve as the prompt to be reflected upon.
  • Topics will then be discussed via a 30-min live video chat using Google+ Hang Out on Air.

Online office hours will be available to students for further one-on-one discussions, if desired.

Students who agree to participate in the program are expected to:

  • Reflect upon the prompts and share at least one response online.
  • Tune into the live video chat, engage in the discussion, and post one take-away. (if scheduling conflicts arise, the chat will be recorded for students to watch on their own time).
  • Keep a journal during the course of the program.
  • Fill out an evaluation form at the end of the program.

Time Commitment: 1 hour a week