Protected: Week #1 Blog: The Critical Voice

  In yesterday’s post, we posed the question, “What do you think is the purpose of your body?” Initial comments included: to live, experience life, and house my soul. It’s amazing how when we think about this question, we are able to go to...

Protected: Week #1 Video: LYBU Kick Off

Hello everyone, and welcome. Today we begin our course. Please watch the video below and share your thoughts in the comments section. Stay tuned for our blog post tomorrow, and our live video chat will be on Wednesday from 8-8:30 pm EST, which you’ll be able to...

Your Campus Resources

LYBU serves as an educational and support platform in the areas of prevention, community, and mentoring, not clinical treatment. Students seeking clinical care are strongly encouraged to connect with the Counseling Center and Health Services on their campus. The...