Protected: Week #6 Blog: Community Saves

My dear friend Holli always says, “Community Saves.” At first, I didn’t understand what she meant by this. She explained that during her healing and recovery from an eating disorder and depression, it was having community that saved her. Still to...

Protected: Week #5 Blog: Redefining Beauty

“Let go of what beauty should look like, and instead, let it be what it feels like.”   This week is all about beauty. We’ve been working intentionally over the past few weeks of the course to move from our head to our heart. And here, in our heart, lies our...

Protected: Week #4 Blog: Practicing Self-Love

This week we get down to the heart of the matter: practicing self-love. Not the generic, cliched form of self-love we may have become numbed to hearing. Or, the fun, but often times wildly bizarre, obsessive, and confusing form we have for selfies. We’re talking...

Protected: Week #4 Video: Compassion Affirmation

Last week we explored what it means to listen to our intuition and practice self-care. For this week, let us think about what it means to cultivate self-love. Compassion is often something we may be able to extend more easily to others, than to ourselves. Let us think...